I don't do New Year's resolutions. I do try and make one goal a year. This year's goal: clear my 19 knitting/crocheting WIPs (work in progress) and my 65 Civil War clothing UFOs (unfinished objects/projects). Originally, I was going to aim for March 1. I'm still going to aim for getting as many done as possible by then.
What does this mean. It means that except for customer orders or items that my family and I seriously need for certain events. I will not be starting any new knitting, crocheting, or sewing projects until I get the projects that are already started under control.
How does someone end up with so many unfinished projects? Most of my sewing UFOs are for the mercantile (www.originals-by-kay.com). I tend to cut out several at a time. Knitting/crochet projects, when pretty yarn or projects call... :-)
Good news though, since I decided to go on this crafting "diet", I've finished one toddler dress (minus buttons), two corsets, two boys' underbodies, one knit hat, one Tunisian crochet sontag, knitted garters, a modern cowl & a pair of soldier's socks for DH. I'll post more about the knitting WIPs on my knitting blog. The toddler dress was one of those projects that just needed to have the skirt attached to the bodice and now it's just waiting for me to get some buttons for it.
That takes me down to 60 UFOs and 14 knitting/crocheting projects.
What's left to do? (Knitting WIPs are on my knitting blog)
Boys Clothing
8 pairs of pants
5 ensembles (vest/pant, vest/pants/jacket, tunic/pants, etc)
5 shirts (three shirt on the square, two pleated front)
12 collarless vests
8 shawl collar vests
more suspenders
Women's Clothing
2 chemises
1 red corset (mine)
1 rain paletot (DD)
1 riding habit skirt
2 skirts
1 velveteen jacket
3 vests
2 "purses"
Men's Clothing
1 flannel under shirt
1 wool overshirt (this one's not cut out, but needs to be done)
1 men's drawers (customer's)
Girls Clothing
1 cotton body
5 cotton dresses
1 silk suiting ensemble
3 skirts (DD)
1 canton flannel petticoat
I also have a couple of customer orders that aren't on this list.
My current goal is to get at least a couple of these done a week. Wish me luck!